Sunday, October 12, 2008

Killer cold.

I have a cold.

Yesterday my nose got runny and I was kinda congested, but now I'm miserable.
I have the worst congestion headache you could ever imagine. My nose is running like a track star. For realz it PRd for sure today. Hopefully today is the climax and it goes down for school tomorrow so I don't have to get up every 5 seconds to get a cleanex. Cuz I can't stand blowing my nose infront of other people. I hate it.

I'm all full of iboprofin or however you spell it, and I'm gonna go take some sudafed in a sec cuz I'm having to get up every second to get the tissue that's on my dresser. My mom was sick end of last week or beginning of this week or something, and my friend devon was sick a big ago, and then heather caught it from her, so I caught it from noe of them or something. But man it sucks...

It's makin me real bummed.
bummed for realz.

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